Extension: Quality Settings¶
Data and software
This extension follows on from the tutorial on primer removal using the same data and software.
Because primers are a region on our sequence that we have some a priori knowledge about, this is a good opportunity for filtering sequences with errors.
- Try running primer trimming with the strictest settings, a 100% match in length and bases
- Is this sensible?
Many metabarcoding pipelines trim primers by just trimming a number of bases equal to the primer length off the beginning of each read. You can do this in cutadapt using the ``-u`` option, which you would need to do for each direction separately (replacing N
with the correct primer length:
cutadapt -u N -o out.fastq -i in.fastq
- Try running this command for the forward and reverse reads of sample.
- If you look at the number of reads, this clearly retains more.
- What might be the downsides of doing it this way?