Greedy clustering


Greedy clustering is the conceptually most simple method of OTU delimitation we will see. In this method, each ASV is examined one-by-one, starting from the most common ASV (based on the frequency of reads of that ASV stored in the ;size= tag in the sequence headers). The first ASV always forms the centroid sequence of the first OTU; each successive ASV is compared against the current set of centroids, with the ASV joining an OTU cluster if it sufficiently similar to one of the existing centroids, or forming a new centroid if not sufficiently similar to any existing centroids. This method is called “greedy” clustering because in general it tends towards uneven clusters, with the addition of sequences to the largest cluster is preferred when there might be any ambiguity.

The similarity threshold determines how large the clusters are and how many OTUs form. The most common similarity threshold is 97% similarity, where new ASVs join a cluster if they are no more than 3% different from the centroid. This difference is often known as the cluster radius, and this value is often used as much as the similarity value to specify the OTUs. Note that any two ASVs within a cluster may be as much as 6% dissimilar: the key measurement is between the centroid and any ASV, not among ASVs, hence the use of the term “radius”.

Data and software

The input data for this tutorial is a FASTA file comprising unique sequences (ASVs). If you’re following along step-by-step, this was produced at the end of the previous section. Alternatively, the file 9_mbc_final.fasta within the sectionC archive can be used as example data.

This tutorial uses the VSEARCH software.

Running greedy clustering

While the USEARCH UPARSE pipeline is probably the most commonly used tool for greedy clustering, we will instead once again use VSEARCH. VSEARCH implements exactly the same clustering algorithm as USEARCH, but also allows greater flexibility in outputs and in similarity algorithms available.

The following is the basic command for 97% clustering of our ASVs, using the USEARCH algorithm. Run this command, using your ASVs as input and making sure to use a sensible name for the output file. We would suggest including in your output file name the method and the threshold parameter (e.g. otus_greedy_0.97.fasta)

vsearch --cluster_size input.fasta --id 0.97 --centroids output.fasta --sizein --relabel otu

The --cluster_size function specifies that we want to cluster based on the size= tags in our input FASTA. The --centroids argument tells VSEARCH where to output the centroid sequences, --relabelled as otu001 etc.


  • What happens if you modify the --id threshold value? Try increasing it and decreasing it, changing the name of your output file as appropriate.
  • Can we know what is the most appropriate threshold, or is it somewhat arbitrary based loosely on our understanding of genetic variation in our taxon of interest and what seems to give the right values?

If you’re familiar with CD-HIT-EST , this is very similar. CD-HIT-EST uses a slightly different calculation of dissimilarity, which can be used by including the parameter --iddef 0

Tracking our ASVs

One common question after performing clustering like this is to ask “which ASVs formed which OTUs?”. VSEARCH allows you to find this out by outputting a table recording the matches of each ASV to each cluster.


  • Rerun the above command, adding --uc output.uc to the end (we suggest changing output.uc to a sensible name that also reflects the method and threshold.
  • Run more on the .uc file to view this table, checking the VSEARCH documentation (page 11) to see what each column means.
  • Note that it labels the centroids (columnh 2) as 0, 1, 2, etc. rather than otu1, otu2, otu3, etc. We can correct this a little by doing the following:
# Remove the cluster lines
grep -v "^C" input.uc > asvgroups.temp

# Convert to the correct names
cut -f2 asvgroups.temp | while read l; do echo "otu$(($l + 1))"; done > otus.temp

# Extract the rest of the table
cut -f3-9 asvgroups.temp > rest.temp

# Join the table parts together
paste otus.temp rest.temp > output.uc

# Clean up
rm *.temp

Next steps

We’ve generated a set of OTUs using one method. If you haven’t already, try out other types of OTU clustering: linkage delimitation or bayesian clustering. You could optionally also look at the extension: phylogenetic delimitation.

If you’ve now tried all of the methods, the comparing OTU delimitation methods tutorial outlines some ways to compare these methods and some hints for selecting a method and parameters.

Once you have a final set of OTUs and an associated record of ASVs within each OTU, you can proceed with these two files to the mapping reads subsection to learn about mapping your reads to your OTUs. Later on, we’ll also use the OTU sequences to generate a phylogeny of our OTUs in the Building OTU phylogeny section, and to retrieve taxonomic identifications and/or classifications for the OTU sequences in the Identifying OTU sequences section.